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Parentpay - Our new online payment service
Dear Parents,
In January we are starting the Parentpay system for all our money transactions in school including Dinners, Breakfast club, Afterschool club, snack money, music, swimming and trip payments. It will also be used as a system to include sending out notifications, letters and text messages to parents.
We have chosen Parentpay as it is the UK market leader for online school payment services and is used by over 11 thousand schools with over 4 million parents signed up and using the app for all their school payments. They have the highest level of security installed to protect the school & parents’ data against the growing wave of cyber threats.
You will receive a letter from Parentpay with your first time login details. As the information is collected from our SIMS programme in school the main contact will be the person who receives these login details. If more than 1 parent wishes to have log in details please contact the office.
Parentpay can be used directly online by going to www.Parentpay.com or you can follow these steps in the attachment to get set up.
We advise you to set up your account now, enter your children’s names (follow instructions in the blue box) and set up your payment account & if you have any problems contact the office. You will not be able to book anything until Monday 6th January when the new system starts. The system will give you options for help and support on how to use the app by clicking on the 3 lines on the left of the screen and the help tab. Children who receive free school meals can still select meals and will not be charged as long as their entitlement is up to date with the EA.
We would really like as many families as possible to set up this payment system as it will ease the pressure of sending in cash to school, money getting lost etc. and allows you to book meal, clubs etc. directly from your phone. Payments will be taken directly at the time of booking but any meals not taken will be refunded by the office.
90 Collegelands Rd, Charlemont, County Armagh, BT71 6SW | T: 028 8778 4620